Can I receive an over 65's vaccination at work? Vaccination clinics held at your workplace will not cover the over 65's vaccine. Over 65's vaccinations are free from your doctor however there may be a consultation charge. A standard quadrivalent vaccination at work will create an auto immune system response and protect you from the included strains. The over 65's vaccine is a Trivalent vaccine and is designed to create a stronger auto immune response. Can patients aged 65 years and over be given standard quadrivalent vaccines if the enhanced quadrivalent vaccine is not available?
Yes. However, people aged 65 and over should receive the enhanced quadrivalent vaccine (Fluad® Quad) over other standard quadrivalent vaccines. The enhanced vaccine has been specially formulated to create a greater immune response amongst the elderly, who are known to have a weaker response to immunisation. However, if Fluad® Quad is not available people aged 65 years and over can safely receive other standard quadrivalent influenza vaccines.,a%20weaker%20response%20to%20immunisation. For further information, contact your GP General Information Why should people aged 65 years and over get the flu vaccine? Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a highly contagious disease caused by the influenza virus. People aged 65 years and over are at higher risk of serious complications from flu than other healthy adults and are strongly recommended to get immunised against the flu every year. Even people who are relatively healthy and who rarely get sick are advised to get vaccinated. Getting vaccinated against the flu helps to protect others in the community including those who are at greater risk of influenza complications, such as young children, the elderly and those with medical conditions. If you don’t catch the flu, you can’t pass it on to others. When should I get the flu vaccine? For best protection against flu, people aged 65 years and over are strongly advised to get the flu vaccine every year. The best time to get vaccinated is in late May or in June as vaccine protection may wane around three to four months after getting immunised. What time of year? Getting vaccinated around late May or in June will provide protection throughout Australia's peak flu season from July to October. Note, after vaccination it can take up to two weeks to develop protection. What type of Vaccine? What flu vaccine is recommended for people aged 65 years and over? A vaccine is available that has been designed for people aged 65 years and over. The vaccine increases the immune system’s response among older adults, who are known to have a weaker response to immunisation. The vaccine includes influenza A (H3N2) which has the greatest impact on people aged over 65 years. Is it available from pharmacies? No The flu vaccine is available in metropolitan and country area's of Australia from immunisation providers including GP clinics, community health clinics and Aboriginal Medical Services.