COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Capital Health Care Pty Ltd
This document was developed by the Infection Control Expert Group (ICEG) and endorsed by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee. This document has been modified for Capital Health Care Pty Ltd. It provides guidance on infection prevention and control (IPC), including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). For additional guidance on infection prevention and control during the COVID-19 pandemic, see the Department of Health website. The guidance on PPE contained in this document, should be considered as the minimum standard.
General principles of infection prevention and control in the health care setting
Information about routine IPC should be provided to staff
All staff should be trained in basic IPC practices, when they begin employment at a facility, and at regular intervals (annually or more frequently, as required, e.g. when the risk of an outbreak is increased by a community outbreak of a highly infectious disease).
Training should be appropriate to their roles and should include, at least, hand hygiene and the use of PPE.
Routine IPC measures relevant to any infectious disease risk during appointments
Hand hygiene using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) Before and after testing both the employee and the testing officer will use provided hand sanitizer. (e.g. after going to the toilet, coughing, blowing the nose and before eating).
Cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene for staff and visitors.
Not coming to work if unwell.
Frequent cleaning and disinfection after each test of all surfaces hand equipment utilized during testing. Dettol wipes used 99.9% (Including door handles and chair arms)
Standard, contact and droplet precautions
Face masks are not required unless entering a COVID case location.
When employees arrive for their vaccination / health check
Capital Health Care will provide onsite signage regarding social distancing (1.5m) for employees attending the clinic.
Capital Health Care will space appointments to maintain social distancing, the onsite nurse will also remind employees of social distancing guidelines if required.
Employees may be advised to wait outside (if safe to do so) or in adjacent room before their vaccination to maintain social distancing.
Our nurse will have a checklist to assess each employee as they arrive for their influenza vaccination prior to entering the clinic. This will help in maintaining low queue amounts.
People must not enter the clinic location if they have symptoms of a respiratory infection (such as fever, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath or cough).
People must not enter the premises if they have been told to self-isolate after returning from overseas or after being in contact with a person who has confirmed COVID-19.
Capital Health Care will provide alcohol hand sanitiser at the entrance to the clinic area.
Infection control measures within the clinic location
Remind staff that if they are unwell, they must not attend the clinic via pre-activity screening.
Alcohol hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance of the clinic area, nurses will ensure patients use these on entry and when leaving.
We will ensure the clinic area and employee areas are wiped down frequently with detergent and disinfectant wipe/solution (according to normal infection prevention and control practice).
Employees will be asked to stand at the provided cones to ensure low movement through the clinic as much as possible.
Social distancing signage will be provided by Capital Health Care Pty Ltd
Were possible an alternative entrance/exit will be used to avoid foot traffic in the administration area.
Vaccination procedures
Minimise physical contact with client record document, nurses will visually check the employees Medicare card.
Capital Health Care will use a single-use pre-immunisation checklist for each client and will have a pre activity questionnaire inside the clinic area.
If available a separate room will be used for employees to wait post vaccination, employees that have not had a flu vaccination in previous years will have to wait a mandatory 15 minutes post vaccination. Employees that have had a flu vaccination in previous years will be asked to stay within the building area for 15 minutes post vaccination.
Standard and transmission-based precautions will be utilised as appropriate.
Capital Health Care nurses will ensure that hand hygiene is performed between each patient.
Use a separate pen supply for patients to sign consent forms, cleaning appropriately between use will be used if walk in employees are accepted.
Pre –appointment COVID screening questionnaire
Post appointment email sent each morning
Health checks / Flu Vaccinations today are fully booked as part of our safe screening we ask if you have any symptoms below not to attend today's booking.
If you have a fever, cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath OR Had contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having Coronavirus OR Have travelled internationally or domestically in the last 14 Days;
Thank you
COVID-19 suspected or Acute Respiratory Illness Even minor symptoms present (staff member):
A cough
Shortness of breath
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Inform Capital Health Care Management 0410431310
Capital Health Care precautions as soon as a employee shows acute respiratory illness symptoms
Increase infection prevention and control measures
Contact resident’s GP
Isolate resident if possible
Collect swabs as directed by medical officer
Warn visitors of risk
Infection control coordinator Name: David Medlock Ph: 0410431310
Your state/territory public health unit
Resident’s GP and relatives or representative, all staff, all visiting GPs, allied health workers, volunteers, or anyone in contact with your facility
Details of staff member with symptoms
Onset date of acute respiratory illness symptoms for each resident
Types of symptoms
Their contacts – to identify ‘at risk’ groups
Manage employees who are ill
Isolate employees who are well
Dedicated staff where possible
Dedicated equipment: hand basin, towels (laundered daily), en suite bathroom, containers for safe disposal of gloves, tissues, masks, towels
Staff use personal protective equipment
Transfer to hospital if condition warrants or jurisdictional requirement
Restrict contact
Symptomatic staff off work (and seek testing for COVID-19)
Limit staff movement into restricted area
Inform visitors and limit visit times
Suspend all group activities
Prevent spread
Increase infection prevention and control measures
Personal hygiene – ensure good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette